Adding Attachments to a Contract Register Entry

Attachments can also be added to the contract entry.

Click Add attachment to browse and upload documents.

Private attachments: This is where documents can be attached that will only be visible by users logged in from your organisation with the relevant rights.

Portal attachments: This is where documents can be attached that will only be visible by users logged in from your portal with the relevant rights (if this entry set as 'Contract portal only' within visibility options.)

Public attachments: This is where documents can be attached that will be visible publicly (if this entry set as 'Publicly visible' within visibility options.)

Participating organisation attachments: This is where documents can be attached that will be visible by any other ProContract organisations that were identified in the 'Open to other organisations' if ProContract Portal organisations were selected and the 'Display on participating organisations registers' shown below is set to 'Yes'.