Procurement Activity Report

To run this report select, Admin > View Reports > Procurement Activity Report

This report shows Contracts Published, Responses Published, and EOI, for the Year, totalled over Current Month, Current Quarter, and Year. There is also a trend graph that shows the values for each month of the year.

The report is split into sections, one per report page, for each Organisation issuing contracts. The first section/page of the report shows the totals for all organisations. There is also a list of all organisation (access rights permitting).

Activity Details

You then have the ability to see the details for the month, quarter and year. This will show the Contracts Published, Responses Published, EOI, and Estimated Value, for the selected Organisation and Date Range broken down by RFx Type.

Activity Details – YTD

When viewing the detail for the year, page two will show the contracts published, responses published, EOI and estimated.

Table Data

By using the option Click here for table data, you can see one table showing the Contracts Published, Responses Published, EOI, and Estimated Value, for the year.